Jody Ledgerwood

Getting to know Jody Ledgerwood…
An honours graduate from the Legal Assistant Program at Humber College, she fully understands and is experienced with the ever changing legal requirements within the real estate market. A 2 year employment with Equifax educated her on the ins and outs of credit bureaus and CMHC policies and procedures regarding defaulted mortgages. Having also worked as a CFO for 8 years, she understands the financial impact and implication of the decision making process. Not wanting to sit in the back room punching numbers all day for the rest of her life and craving more excitement and human contact, Jody eventually found her heart leading her into a real estate career. She began as a Sales Representative with Tip Top Realty Inc. Here, she was able to hone her real estate sales, marketing and communication skills. She also became inspired to want more from her career, hence; the Broker’s license. Now Jody is the Broker of Record for Northumberland Hills Realty Inc. and enjoying all the benefits and the hard work that comes with the responsibility of being a Leader.
Jody in the Community…
Jody maintains a wide variety of community activity which includes; being an active member and Director on the Board for the Northumberland Players; volunteer on the builds and in the Restore with Habitat for Humanity; an active Volunteer within the Educational System (Camborne PS, Dale Rd PS, CCI and previously NHPS & South Cramahe PS); Coach for the Cobourg Soccer Club and previously coached for the Port Hope & Colborne Minor Soccer Associations; participant in the Cobourg Women’s Soccer Leagues; and a long time participant in the East Lakeshore Ladies Broomball League in Colborne. She is always willing to donate her time and skills, or offer sponsorships and donations to help charitable/fundraising events go off without a hitch within the local communities. Most notably within the real estate community Jody has volunteered her time on the NHAR Board of Directors and several of the NHAR Committees (Financing, Programs and PR). It is through these associations that she has built a vast network of people and information regarding the different neighbourhoods within Northumberland County.
Jody’s Background..
Jody was born in Cobourg and spent her early years growing up in several communities; Cobourg, Castleton, Peterborough, Mississauga, Oshawa and Courtice. She moved back to the rolling hills of Northumberland County in her teenage years and has spent the last 25 years in the area (Baltimore, Colborne and currently Cobourg). Jody also owns investment properties in Cobourg and Lennox/Addington. Being a mom to three children ranging in age from 11 to 16 has given Jody the insight to many different personalities. It has also taught her; to be patient and understanding; to be a good listener; how to compromise and negotiate; organization is the key to keeping some sense of sanity in a very chaotic world; and above all else, it has taught her that knowledge thru continuous education & observation, a kind word and a smile are the most powerful tools that anyone can equip themselves with.
Contact Details
- 905-269-SOLD (7653) Mobile Phone
- 289-252-2221 Work Phone
- Email